
Table Of Contents
Number that represents the index of the row, relative to the top of the record.
Moves the current position in a JSON file to the first instance of the given element, relative to
the top of the record if the jPath is absolute (starts with $ which is the root) or relative to the
current position if the jPath is relative (starts with . which is the current element).
JsonPath expression (String) that defines the path to an element in the JSON file. See also:
"JsonPath" on page238.
The full JsonPath to an element is displayed at the bottom left of the window when you
select it. To copy the path, right-click it and select Copy.
Moves the position of the pointer in the source data file to the next line, row or node. The
behavior and arguments are different for each emulation type: text, PDF, tabular (CSV), or XML.
This is a method of the steps object (see "steps" on page425).
Moves the current position in a text file or XML file to the next instance of scope. What scope
represents depends on the emulation type: text or XML.
Number that may be set to:
l 0 or steps.MOVELINES: the current position is set to the next line.
l 1 or steps.MOVEDELIMITERS: the current position is set to the next delimiter (as
defined in the Input Data settings).
l 2 (next line with content): the current position is set to the next line that contains any text.
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