
Table Of Contents
This entry is case sensitive and must be entered entirely in capitals, as seen here:
Installation folder (optional)
To select an installation folder other than the default during a silent installation:
install.directory=C:/Program Files/Preferred/Directory
This file is a Java properties file. You must use either use forward slashes as shown
above, or double backslashes. Using only a single backslash will result in failed
If the property is not set, the default path will be used.
Server configuration (required if Server is selected for install)
For Server, the following properties need to be provided:
server.runas.username = <username>
server.runas.password = <password>
Server Extension configuration (required if Server Extension is selected for install)
For Server Extension, the following properties need to be provided:
server.runas.username = <username>
server.runas.password = <password>
server.master.host = <IP or name>
server.master.port = <port>
server.master.authenticate = true or false
server.master.username = <username for the Connect Server>
server.master.password = <password>
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