
Table Of Contents
l The contents of the Print context, in the form of a single PDF attachment. (Compression
options for PDF attachments can be specified in the Email context's properties; see
"Compressing PDF attachments" on page527.)
l The output of the Web context, as a self-contained HTML file.
l Other files, an image or a PDF leaflet for example.
Attaching the Print context and/or the Web context is one of the options in the "Send (Test)
Email" on page1021 dialog.
These options are also available in the Create Email Content task in Workflow.
Attaching a Context
By default, when adding the Print context to an email, all Print sections are output to a single
PDF file, named after the email subject, which is then attached to the email.
The PDF can be protected with a password (see "Email PDF password" on the previous page).
Compression options for PDF attachments can be specified in the Email Context Properties
dialog; see "Compressing PDF attachments" on page527.
When adding the Web context to an email, only the default Web section is generated and
added to the email as an HTML file that is named after the email subject.
To split the Print context into multiple attachments, or to attach multiple Web sections as
separate attachments, and to rename this type of attachment, you need to create a
Control Script that specifies parts; see "Parts: splitting and renaming email attachments"
on page919.
A plain-text version of the HTML is added to each email if the option is checked in the
Email section's properties (see "Properties tab" on page1016). With new templates this
is always the case.
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