
Table Of Contents
Positioned Box
A Positioned Box is one that can be freely moved around the page and does not depend on the
position of other elements. A positioned box is actually a <div> element that has an absolute
position; in other words, it has its CSS property position set to absolute (see also: "Using the
CSS position property" on page765).
Positioned Boxes are suitable for use in Print templates only.
Adding a Positioned Box
To insert a Positioned Box, use the icon on the toolbar.
Moving and resizing a Positioned Box
Positioned Boxes can be moved by dragging the borders, and resized using the handles on
the sides and the corners. Pressing any arrow key moves the box by 1 pixel in the direction of
that key.
Alternatively the size and position can be set on the Attributes pane. Note that the size and
offset values will be displayed in the default print units as defined in the preferences.
l To move or resize multiple Positioned Boxes at the same time, hold the Ctrl key while
selecting them. You could either select them in the Design view (the main editor) or in the
Outline pane.
l Hold the Shift key while resizing a Positioned Box to ensures that the box retains its
aspect ratio.
l Hold the Shift key while dragging a Positioned Box to move it horizontally or vertically.
Dynamically changing the position
A Positioned Box has the following attributes:
l anchor defines the page number (starting by 0) the box is placed on
l offset-x defines the horizontal position of the box relative to its container
l offset-y defines the vertical position of the box relative to its container.
These attributes can be set in a script. The following script dynamically changes the position of
a Positioned Box in a Print context by setting the offset-x and offset-y values.
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