
Table Of Contents
table. The difference between the Bar charts is caused by the number of selected data fields
(one, or two). The values of the data field 'Year' are used as Category (on the x-axis).
When creating a data mapping configuration (see "Data mapping workflow" on page221), it is
recommended to arrange data in a detail table in such a way that it matches this 'one series per
record, one bar/point per data field' approach.
Occasionally you may find that data in a detail table does not match this approach, and that it
would be a better fit if the chart had one series of bars/points for each selected detail data field
instead, and one bar/point for each record.
If the number of records in a detail table is consistent throughout all records, it is recommended
to modify the detail table in the data mapping configuration in order to make it match the default
Otherwise this requires changing the Chart script: open the Chart script, click the Expand
button, and alter the code that puts data in the dataProvider property.
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