
Table Of Contents
validation. For more information about Forms and Form elements in the Designer, see "Forms"
on page716 and "Using Form elements" on page560.
For more information about elements in Forms, see https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_
A fieldset is a group of related elements in a form. The elements don't have to be of the same
type. After inserting and selecting the Fieldset (see "Selecting an element" on page638) you
can add elements to it in the same way you add elements to a Form; see "Adding elements to a
Form" on page561.
The Text element is a simple <input> element with the type text. It accepts any alphanumerical
characters, including special characters. The string is HTML-encoded before it is submitted to
the server.
The Email element is a text input field that accepts only email addresses in a valid format.
The URL element is a text input field that accepts only URLs (a web page address) in a valid
The Password element is a password field that accepts any alphanumerical characters. When
the user types in this field, characters are shown as asterisks only.
The Number element is a text field accepting only numbers.
The Date element is a text field accepting only dates in a valid format.
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