
Table Of Contents
l Underline: Sets the text-decoration to underline.
l Strikethrough: Sets the text-decoration to line-through.
l Subscript: Sets the vertical-align to super.
l Superscript: Sets the vertical-align to sub.
l Capitalize: Sets the text-transform to capitalize.
l Uppercase: Sets thetext-transform to uppercase.
l Lowercase: Sets thetext-transform to lowercase.
l Small-caps: Sets the font-variant to small-caps.
All settings in the Text Formatting dialog are in fact CSS style rules. When you change
one or more settings, the selected text gets wrapped in a Span element that has an inline
style tag containing the selected setting(s). Click the Advanced button to add CSS
properties and values to the inline style tag of the Span directly. For more information
about CSS, see "Styling and formatting" on page745.
Formatting a paragraph
Through the Paragraph Formatting dialog you can set the line height and first indent of a
paragraph, and specify how to handle page breaks before, in and after the paragraph. It also
lets you add spacing and a border; see "Spacing" on page788 and "Border" on page777.
To open the Paragraph Formatting dialog, select a paragraph (see: "Selecting an element" on
page638) or place the cursor in a paragraph, and then select Format > Paragraph.
For an explanation of all options in this dialog see: "Paragraph Formatting dialog" on page989.
Removing local formatting from text
Layout buttons and options on the Format menu add inline style tags to the text. Style tags can
look like this: <b>...</b> or like this: <p style= "color: red;" >.
Inline style tags have priority over styles defined in a CSS file because they are considered
more specific (see "Using a more specific CSS rule" on page756). For example, when a
formatting rule in a style sheet colors all paragraphs green, a paragraph with an inline style tag
to color it red would still stay red. So, when a rule in a style sheet doesn’t seem to work, an
inline style tag may be the culprit. In that case you might want to remove the local formatting.
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