
Table Of Contents
Style simulation
When it can't use a separate font file for a particular font effect, Connect will mimic the bold and
italic versions of that font. This is called style simulation.
There are some major drawbacks to style simulation. Firstly, it is not reliable: it does not work
for all fonts. Secondly, style simulation is costly in terms of performance (output is created
slower) and results in bigger files. Finally, because of the plain machine transformation of the
font, the result will probably not look as good as when using a carefully designed, properly
styled, font.
It is much better, if you have separate files for the bold, italic and any other versions of a font, to
use those.
Font types
The Designer currently supports 5 font types: TTF, OTF, WOFF, EOT and SVG.
When you are creating a Web template, keep in mind that the different font types are not
supported by all clients; for instance, EOT and SVG are used only by Explorer and Safari,
When creating an Email template, it's better to import several types of the same font, in order for
any client to see the appropriate fonts.
In the case of a Print context you do not need to provide alternative fonts, because the output is
not displayed using a font from the device on which the output is read.
Applying an imported font
Once a font is imported, it is automatically added to the Fonts drop-down on the toolbar.
It can also be used in the style sheets, even in combination with other fonts, for example:
body {
font-family: 'MyWebFont', Arial, sans-serif;
Using remote fonts
In order to use a remote font, you have to add a remote style sheet that points to a web font style
sheet, for example https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Slab. For instructions see
"Using a remote style sheet" on page749.
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