
Table Of Contents
Generally, the best way to access data is by creating a data mapping configuration. With
a data mapping configuration you can, among other things:
l Use Workflow to automate the extraction of data from this kind of data file.
l Load transactional or structured data. If there are detail lines, transactions, or any
variable number of items to put into the template, you need a data mapping
configuration to extract them.
l Format, transform, conditionally include/exclude and enhance data from the source
l Use other field types. When loaded from a file or database, all fields contain strings.
l Use the same data file with different templates, or use different kinds of data files
with the same template.
If you have no data at hand, download a demo from http://demo.objectiflune.com and
open a dummy data file to test with.
Loading a data mapping configuration
If you already have an open data mapping configuration, its Data Model and sample data will
automatically be used when you start creating a template. You might have to click the
Synchronize Model button on the Data Model pane, to update the fields.
To open a data mapping configuration:
1. Open the Welcome screen: click the Home icon at the top right or select Help >
Welcome on the menu.
2. Click Open File.
3. Select the data mapping configuration and open it.
4. At the top of the workspace, click the tab with the name of the template's section to go
back to the template.
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