
Table Of Contents
bold. This is the default setting.
l As text. This inserts the results as-is, meaning HTML tags and elements are
displayed as text in the output. In this scenario, "<br>" shows up in the text and does
not insert a line break.
l As the value of an attribute of an HTML element. The selector of the script should
be an HTML element. Which attributes are available depends on the selected
HTML element. If the script's selector is an image (<img> element) for example, and
the attribute is src, the script will modify the image's source. The script's results
should be a valid value for the chosen attribute.
When checked, the option Convert fields to JSON string writes the results
from the script into an attribute or text as a JSON string. This is useful for web
contexts where a front-end script can read this value easily.
9. Close the Text Script Wizard and type the placeholder for the results of the script in the
content of your template, or make sure that there is at least one element that matches the
selector of the script.
10. Hover over the name of the script in the Scripts pane. In the workspace you will see
which parts of the template are affected by the script. If the script produces an error, the
error message will be displayed in a hint on the Scripts pane.
When one of the included data fields is empty, the respective line, including the
prefix and suffix, is skipped. The result of the script will be shorter, causing the rest
of the content to move up or down. If, in a Print context, you don't want the result of
the script to be part of the text flow (for example, when a letter is going to be sent in
an envelope with a window), put the placeholder for the script in a positioned box
(see "Boxes" on page696 and "How to position elements" on page763).
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