
Table Of Contents
Dates in variable data can be displayed as long, medium and short dates with different time
displays. There are quite a few presets, but you can also enter a custom format mask.
1. Open the Text Script Wizard: double-click to open an existing script in the Scripts pane or
create a new Text Script using the Text Script Wizard; see "Using the Text Script Wizard"
on page808.
2. Click a data field that contains text, or add such a data field to the script with the Add field
button on the right.
3. Under Format you can choose one of the following options:
l Custom Pattern opens a dialog in which you can enter a custom pattern the date
(and, optionally, the time). The dialog shows an example of a date formatted
according to the given pattern.
Do not put the pattern in quotes. For possible patterns see "Date and time patterns"
on page1296.
The Custom Pattern option is only available when the type of the field has
been set to Date in the data mapping configuration and the field contains a
valid date.
l Default Date displays the date with the default pattern for the current Locale.
l Short Date displays the day, month and year in two digits each, for example
l Medium Date displays the day and month in two digits each and the year in four
digits, for example 01.04.2016. (This is also the value of the Default Date.)
l Long Date displays the day as a number, the month's full name and the year in four
digits, for example 1. April 2016.
l Short Time displays a time in hours and minutes in two digits each, for example
l Medium Time displays a time in hours, minutes and seconds in two digits each, for
example 00:00:00. (This is also the value of the Default Time.)
l Long Time displays a time in hours, minutes and seconds in two digits each, and
adds a time zone, for example 00:00:00 EDT.
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