
Table Of Contents
l On the "Attributes pane" on page1059, from the Sum drop-down, select the
data field on which the subtotal must be based. The drop-down will offer all
eligible fields, including those in nested detail tables.
l Alternatively, e.g. to select a data field in a nested detail table, switch to
Source view and manually add the data-sum attribute to the table cell (the
<td> element).
Its value should consist of the path to the data field. For example: <td data-
sum="Instruments.Items.Amount">. This cell will have a subtotal based on the
"Amount" field in the "Items" detail table which is nested in the "Instruments"
detail table.
a. You could also add text like "continued on next page" or "continued from
previous page" to the cell. See "Mixing text and data in one cell" on the facing
Subtotals inside a Dynamic Table
Subtotals normally appear in the header or footer of a table; however, it is also possible to
insert subtotals in cells in the body of a table.
1. Start by adding a row to the body of the table: right-click a row in the table, depending on
where you want to add a row, and select Row > Insert below or Insert above.
If the row should occur only once, you can now proceed with step 5 in "Adding a row to the
header or footer of a Dynamic Table" on page830.
If the row should occur as often as a certain detail table, it must be associated with that detail
table first.
1. Select the row (see "Selecting an element" on page638).
2. Change the row's Repeat attribute on the Attribute pane from None to the desired detail
table. Usually this will be the detail table that is one level higher than the one that
contains the field for which the subtotal must be calculated.
3. Proceed with step 5 in "Adding a row to the header or footer of a Dynamic Table" on
page830. The Sum drop-down will now only show the names of fields that occur in the
specified detail table and in its nested detail tables.
Page 833