
Table Of Contents
Note that this
attribute is not
supported for
rows in the
header or footer
of a table
The name of a nested detail table should include
all its parent tables, starting at the root and
separated with dots.
Example: data-
Empty records/data fields are skipped by
This attribute cannot be used as a selector
for template scripts, since it gets removed
when the table is expanded, which
happens before template scripts run.
<tr> (a table
row), <td> (a
table cell),
When creating a script for a row, cell or span in a
Dynamic Table this attribute is set on the element
and used as selector (see "Quick-start a script
with the Create script button" on page910). Its
value is the name of a data field; e.g. data-
<tr> (a table
When set on a row in the body of the table
(<tbody>), this attribute causes a row (a line with
data) to appear before and/or after a page break if
a sub-table runs over multiple pages.
This is particularly useful in tables with several
levels and long nested tables.
Initially this attribute is omitted. A row without this
attribute will be displayed once per record in a
detail table.
Page 842