
Table Of Contents
l Re-compiling a .scss file overwrites any manual changes made to the .css file.
l Partial .scss files cannot be compiled.
l Single line comments (//...) are not added to the compiled .css file, whereas multi-
line comments (/* ... */) are maintained. Multi-line comments should be added within
the brackets of the definition they apply to, to make sure they appear in the correct
place in the compiled css.
Color options
Many of the colors in the user interface of Connect Designer can be adjusted. Click the small
colored square next to the field that holds the default color value, to open the Color dialog and
pick a color (see "Color Picker" on page960 in the Online Help:
l Edges: The edges around elements in a section in the Workspace. Click the Show
Edges icon to toggle the visibility of these edges.
l Box Objects: This color highlights positioned boxes, inline boxes and Div
elements; see "Boxes" on page696.
l Table: This color highlights tables, and the rows and columns in tables; see "Table"
on page735.
l Resizable Table: This color highlights tables for which the option Allow resizing
has been checked when adding the table; see "Table" on page735.
l Forms: This color highlights forms; see "Forms" on page716.
l Shared Content: This color highlights shared content, such as shared snippets;
see "Snippets" on page741.
l Margin and guides: These settings only apply to Print sections.
l Guides: This is the color for rulers that can help position content correctly; see
"Guides" on page765.
l Margins: This color delineates the content area on a page; see "Pages" on
l Bleed box: This color delineates the printable area on a page; see "Page settings:
size, margins and bleed" on page499.
Page 859