
Table Of Contents
Emmet Output preferences
The Output Preferences dialog is used to control how the expanded (output) code behaves
when expanding abbreviations and snippets. There are 6 different dialogs to control output and,
while they all have identical options, they control different output types: CSS, HAML, HTML,
XML, XSL and the "Default" one controlling the rest of the types.
These options are equivalent to Emmet's syntaxProfiles.json feature
Emmet Snippets preferences
Emmet Snippet are similar to abbreviations in that they are expanded when the Tab key is
pressed, but they are just blocks of plain text. Anything in a snippet will be outputted “as is”,
without any transformation.
l New: Click to create a new snippet.
l Name: The name of the abbreviation is also its trigger.
l Context: The context in which the snippet is enabled (HTML, CSS, etc.).
l Description: A short description of the snippet.
l Pattern: The pattern defines what a snippet expands to.
l Automatically insert: This option doesn't affect how Emmet works in Connect
l Edit: Modify the currently selected snippet.
l Remove: Remove the currently selected snippet from the list.
l Import: Click to open a browse dialog to import an XML file containing exported snippets.
The imported snippets are added to the current list.
l Export: Click to open a Save as dialog to export all the snippets in an XML file that can
be shared and re-imported.
l Preview box: Shows what the selected snippet is expanded to.
l To temporarily disable a snippet, uncheck the checkbox next to the name of the snippet in
the list.
Emmet Variables preferences
Variables are placeholders used in Emmet snippets to output predefined data. For example, the
html:5 snippet of HTML syntax has the following definition:
<!doctype html>\n<html lang="${lang}">...</body>\n</html>
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