
Table Of Contents
In the MediaBox, a Print section background is an <img> element with the ol_pdf_datamapper_
input class. Its src attribute references the PDF file that contains the image and the page
parameter is used to select a specific page in that PDF (as a PDF can contain more than one
For example:
<img src="file:/C:/Users/MyUser/Pictures/mixed.pdf?page=1" class="ol_pdf_datamapper_
You can use the ol_pdf_datamapper_input class as a selector to target the section background
in a style rule or script.
Placing the section background in front of the Master Page
The stacking order of elements inside each MediaBox, from bottom to top, is:
1. Media
2. Section background
3. Master Page elements
Using the .page_mediabox selector, you could change this stacking order and place the
section background on top of the elements on the Master Page. Set the z-index property to a
value larger than 0 (zero) and add !important to make this style rule override the inline style
declaration that normally puts the section background behind the Master Page elements:
.page_mediabox img.ol_pdf_datamapper_input {
z-index: 10 !important;
Scaling the section background
The rule below downscales the section background image and keeps it in the centre of the
.page_mediabox img.ol_pdf_datamapper_input {
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.5, 1.5) !important;
View selectors
In the Designer, sections can be viewed on different tabs: Source, Design, Preview and - if it is
a Web section - Live. In each view mode (except Source) a specific CSS class is added to the
<html> element. The view-specific classes are:
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