
Table Of Contents
Batch processing. In a batch processing situation, jobs don't have to be handled
simultaneously. All jobs - whether they are big and small - are processed one after another.
Every job should be handled as quickly as possible. It is therefor recommended to assign the
maximum number of engines and target speeds to all jobs. Do not reserve engines for certain
Web requests. In online communication, response times are critical. If the Server receives a lot
of Web requests, it should handle as many as possible, as quickly as possible, at the same
time. It is recommended to launch as many Merge engines as possible and to reserve most of
them for HTML output. The jobs will generally be small and can do with just one Merge engine.
Mixed jobs that are processed in parallel. In a situation where small, medium and large jobs
can come in at any time and should be handled in parallel, the challenge is to find a balance
between how much power can be allocated to jobs (to minimize the time they cost) and how
long they can wait. No single job should require all of the processing power, unless it is
acceptable for it to have to wait until the maximum number of engines finally comes available -
and then all other jobs will have to wait.
Automatic Restart Settings
It is considered good management to restart the Connect Engines periodically. This dialog
provides the controls for scheduling Connect Engines restarts.
Automatically restart engines to safeguard system availability
l Time Limit checkbox: This enables engine restarts to be scheduled to occur either after a
specified period of time, or within a daily time window.
This means daily Engine restarts can be scheduled to run outside of production hours.
l Rolling restart checkbox:This sets the engines restarts to occur in a "rolling" fashion,
whereby each engine is stopped and restarted individually, one after the other.
Each engine is only stopped when the previously restarted engine is once again ready to
start processing.
l Restart method: Chose between restarting after a specified number of minutes (Restart
after interval) or within a daily time window (Daily restart in period).
l Restart after (minutes):Only available if Restart after interval selected.
Specify the amount of minutes that the restarts are to occur after.
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