
Table Of Contents
Move up: Move a entry up the table
Move down: Move a entry down the table
Edit: Edit a Conditional entry within the table.
You can also double click a Conditional entry within the table to edit it.
How to Set Conditionals
l Condition: Enter the condition which determines whether or not this element will be
added to the document at print time.
Use JavaScript conditional expressions to construct your conditional.
You may use JavaScript logical operators (==, !=, <, >, &&, ||, etc), literal values ("text',
3.14, etc), mathematical operators (/, *, +, -, etc) and data fields.
Add: Click to add a field to the to the conditional expression.
Select from a list of metadata fields (as added in Metadata Options), document
information fields (see Variables Available in Output), or common expressions.
For example, selecting the Expressions >First Page would add "page.nr == 1" to
the conditional entry.
Example: if (page.nr == 1) {... }
Job Creation Presets Wizard
A Job Creation Preset is a settings file by which the Connect Server can filter, sort, and group
print content items, add meta data and make finishing settings.
The File>Print Presets>Job Creation Settings ... dialog displays a list of available presets
and a summary of their settings. This dialog can be used to create new Presets or to edit and
update existing Presets. Presets, however, cannot be deleted or renamed from within this
dialog. That must be done manually.
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