
Table Of Contents
Every time output is generated, the Designer and/or Connect Server and any engines involved
in the operation produce their own log files.
Each component writes its log files to a dedicated subfolder of the Log folder. Merge engines
write to the logs/Mergeengine folder, Weaver engines to the logs/Weaverengine folder,
DataMapper engines to the logs/Datamapperengine folder, Server to the logs/Server folder,
and so forth.
Note that actions of the Cleanup service are only logged in the Server's log file. (See also:
"Clean-up Service preferences" on page890.)
Workflow services write their logs to a different location. See Accessing the Workflow
For more information about Connect's architecture, see: "Connect: a peek under the
hood" on page126.
The name of a log file consists of the component's name, a time stamp and the Windows
process ID.
The Windows process ID is needed since multiple engines of the same type could be running
at the same time, depending on the engine configuration (see"Engine configuration" on
page94) and the size of a job.
The log files are text files that can be opened in any text processor. Each log file contains a
header section containing a snapshot of the current working environment (operating system,
Connect version, system locale settings, disk and RAM information, and such like).
The logging level is configurable, as well as the exact format - the "logging pattern" - of the
individual log messages.
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