
Table Of Contents
OL Connect projects
An OL Connect project is an automated process, or combination of processes, in which the
Connect Server and Database are used. (For an overview of the architecture of the OL Connect
software, see "Connect: a peek under the hood" on page126).
Typically, an OL Connect project aims at automating (part of) a company's communication with
its customers, suppliers, or other parties. Data is received - in whatever form -, processed,
stored, and used in communications which are sent out through one or more output channels
(print, email, web, etc), immediately or at a scheduled time.
Automation with Workflow
The process automation server included in PlanetPress Connect is called Workflow.
The Workflow server (also sometimes referred to as the 'Watch service') executes processes
independently, after a configuration has been uploaded and the services have been started.
Usually, all of OL Connect's design tools are involved in the development process:
l Input data is extracted from a data source using a data mapping configuration, created
with "The DataMapper" on page221.
l Communications are created by merging the data with one or more templates, designed
with "The Designer" on page475.
l If the output channel is print, Print Presets, also created with the Designer, determine
how the documents are printed.
l The pieces come together in an automated process, e.g. a Workflow configuration,
created with the Workflow Configuration Tool.
Each of the tools has its own Online Help, but if you're new to either Workflow or the OL
Connect software in its entirety, this chapter will help you get started on building OL Connect
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