
Table Of Contents
You could add text, images and other elements to the email (see "Content elements" on
page664) and change the layout (see "Styling and formatting" on page785). Keep in mind
though that there are special design standards for HTML email (see "Designing an Email
template" on page549).
In order to further personalize the email, open your data mapping configuration (or JSON data,
if the input data will be in that format; see "Adding JSON sample data" on page844) and use
the data fields to personalize the email. (See: "Personalizing content" on page830.)
The Designer can have one data mapping configuration and one template open at the
same time. Use the tabs at the top of the workspace to switch between the two. Click the
synchronize button on the Data Model pane to make sure that the Data Models are the
same in both.
Once the template is ready, send it to Workflow (see "Sending files to Workflow" on page482).
Finally, in Workflow, adjust the process: double-click the Create Email Content task to open it,
and select the new template. This is only necessary when the file name has changed.
Workflow configuration
The current Workflow configuration is very simple. In reality, a process that generates email
output will be part of a larger project, in which, for example, invoices are produced in a separate
process, stored in a folder and attached to an email at a later time.
For general information about processes in Workflow see About Processes and Subprocesses,
in the Online Help of Workflow.
Sample Project: COTG Timesheets
The COTG Timesheets Sample Project creates a Capture OnTheGo project that creates a
web page with a web form and serves it to the COTG app. When the form is submitted, the
project handles the submitted data by creating an XML, JSON and PDF output file in a folder.
For an introduction to this Sample Project, see Sample Projects overview video on the OL
Learn website (start at 25:19) or on Youtube: COTG Timesheets.
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