
Table Of Contents
Of course, numerous other tasks could be added to the process. If you'd want to save the output
of the Create Web Content task - the web page - to a file, for example, the task would have to
be followed by a Send to Folder task.
The Create Web Content task can be found on the OL Connect tab of the Plug-In Bar in
For a description of all mentioned OL Connect tasks, see "OL Connect tasks" on page185.
Files used in a web process
Before creating the web process in the Workflow configuration tool, you will need to create:
l A template with a Web context. (See "Creating a template" on page477.)
l If the web page should contain variable data, you might need to make a data mapping
configuration (see "Creating a new data mapping configuration" on page223). If the input
is going to be JSON data, you could add them to the design using a JSON file (see
"Adding JSON sample data" on page844).
Templates and data mapping configurations need to be sent from the Designer to PlanetPress
Workflow before they can be used in the Workflow process; see "Sending files to Workflow" on
The next step is to create a process in PlanetPress Workflow that generates Web output, using
these files.
For more information about how to create a process in Workflow, please refer to the Online
Help of Workflow.
Batching and commingling
A Connect Print process in its simplest form merges data with a template and creates the print
job(s) in one go, as shown in "Print processes with OL Connect tasks" on page190.
In reality, however, a company might want to create letters and invoices during the week, for
example, and then print them out only over the weekend. For such a scenario, it would be better
to separate the data mapping and content creation process from the production of the actual
print job(s), and work with print batches.
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