
Table Of Contents
process) the conversion to PDF may influence the processing speed, depending on
the available processing power.
l Some advanced PCL to PDF options are available by calling LincPDF
(PlanetPress Connect's PCL to PDF converter) command line module; see
"Advanced PCL to PDF options" on page239.
l Extracting data from a PDF that comes from a Windows printer queue (a PDF
converted to PostScript, converted back to PDF by an Input task in Workflow) might
not work. The problem lies in the conversion of the original PDF to PostScript.
PostScript code is usually optimized to print and not to keep text searchable, by
maintaining character identities for example.
The rule of thumb is: if copy-paste from Acrobat works, so will data mapping; if not,
the DataMapper won't either. If the original is a PDF, it is recommended to find an
alternative way to get it in the system instead of going through a print operation.
l Rotated pages in a PDF are supported (if rotated 0/90/180/270 degrees). The
Extract step will be able to extract data from horizontal and vertical lines of text on
rotated pages. Motion steps (such as the Repeat step and the Goto step) however,
can only work as expected if text on a page has the same orientation as the page,
not when text has been rotated after the page was rotated.
The page number and rotation of a page are shown in the status bar at the bottom,
next to the region selection information.
With a wizard
Data mapping wizards are available for PDF/VT, AFP, XML, JSON, CSV and database tabular
files, because these files are structured in a way that can be used to automatically set record
The wizard for PDF/VT and AFP files cannot extract data, only metadata. After opening such a
file with the wizard, you can build the data extraction workflow for data and metadata in the
The other wizards use the Extract All step to extract data, but they cannot create detail tables,
so they are less suitable for files from which you want to extract transactional data.
There are two ways to open a data file with a wizard: from the Welcome screen or from the File
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