
Table Of Contents
width if you are still working with old line printer data; etc.
It is important that pages be defined properly. This can be done either by using a set number of
lines or using a string of text (for example, the character “P”), to detect on the page. Be aware
that this is not a Boundary setting; it detects each new page, not each new record.
For an explanation of all the options, see: "Text file Input Data settings" on page350.
Settings for an XML file
XML is a special file format because these file types can have a theoretically unlimited number
of structure types. The input data has three options that basically determine at which node level
a new record is created. You can:
l Select an element type to create a new delimiter every time that element is encountered.
l Enter an XPath to create a delimiter based on the node name of elements. The Show all
elements option allows you to extract information from all elements, even when the
delimiter is set to a specific lower-level element.
l Use the root node. If there is only one top-level element, there will only be one record
before the Boundaries are set.
See also: "XML File Input Data settings" on page351.
The DataMapper only extracts elements for which at least one value is defined in the file.
Settings for a JSON file
For JSON files there are two input data options that determine where a new source record
You can either use the object or array at the root and get one output record, or select an object
or array as parent element. Its direct child elements - objects and arrays, not key-value pairs -
are then seen as individual source records. Any elements at the same level as the parent
element or at a higher level are repeated in each source record.
See also: "JSON File Input Data settings" on page353.
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