
Table Of Contents
Extract step
The Extract step is essential in each and every data mapping configuration. It extracts data
from the data source, based on their location (a row and column in CSV or tabular data, an
XPath in XML, a JsonPath in JSON, or a region of the page in PDF and Text) or on JavaScript
code. The data is stored in the record set that is the result of the extraction workflow.
Fields always belong to an Extract step, but they don't necessarily all contain extracted data. To
learn how to add fields without extracted data to an Extract step, see "Fields" on page296.
Adding an Extract step
To add an Extract step, first select the step on the Steps pane after which to insert the Extract
step. Then:
l In the Data Viewer, select some data, right-click that data and choose Add Extraction, or
drag & drop the data in the Data Model. For more detailed information and instructions,
Page 281