
Table Of Contents
cursor starts off at the top-left corner of each record in the source data.
The Goto step can move the cursor to a certain location in the current record. The target
location can be relative to the top of the record or to the current position.
When the Goto step is used within a Repeat step, it moves the cursor in each loop of the
Repeat step. In this case the new location has to be relative to the current position.
The Goto step isn't used in XML extraction workflows in most cases. The DataMapper moves
through the file using Xpath, a path-like syntax to identify and navigate nodes in an XML
The DataMapper moves through JSON files using JsonPath, a path-like syntax to identify and
navigate elements in a JSON document. For an overview of the JsonPath syntax, see
In the DataMapper the JsonPath can be absolute (start with $ which is the root) or relative to the
current position (start with . which is the current element).
However, going up to a parent element is not possible with a relative JsonPath. In cases where
an absolute JsonPath is necessary a Goto step might be needed.
Adding a Goto step
To add a Goto step:
l On the Steps pane, select the step after which to insert the Goto step. In the Data Viewer,
select some data, right-click that data and choose Add Goto, to add a Goto step that
moves the cursor to that data.
l Alternatively, right-click the Steps pane and select Add a Step > Add Goto. Make the
required settings on the Step properties pane.
Configuring a Goto step
For information about how to configure the Goto step, see "Goto step properties" on page399.
Condition step
A Condition step is used when the data extraction must be based on specific criteria. The
Condition step splits the extraction workflow into two separate branches, one that is executed
when the condition is true, the other when it is false.
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