
Table Of Contents
The DataMapper screen contains the following panes.
l "Settings pane" on page347. The Settings pane contains settings for the data source.
l "Steps pane" on page363. The entire extraction workflow is visible in the Steps pane.
l "The Data Viewer" on page344. The Data Viewer shows one record in the data source.
l "Step properties pane" on page365. The Step properties pane contains all settings for
the step that is currently selected on the Steps pane.
l "Data Model pane" below. The Data Model pane shows one extracted record.
l "Messages pane" on page346.
Data Model pane
The Data Model pane displays the result of all the preparations and extractions of the extraction
workflow. The pane displays the content of a single record within the record set at a time.
Data is displayed as a tree view, with the root level being the record table. On the level below
that are detail tables, and a detail table inside a detail table is called a nested table.
The Data Model is also used as a navigation tool between records and in all detail tables.
For more information see "The Data Model" on page291.
To find a certain table, group or field in a large Data Model, start typing characters in the Filter
box. This immediately narrows down the list of displayed items to all tables, groups and fields
whose name contains the characters that were typed. Note that the filtering is case-insensitive.
Data Model toolbar buttons
: Import Data Model: Click to browse to a file that contains a Data Model. This may
l A Data Model file (*.OL-datamodel).
l A JSON file (*.json; see the note below).
l A Connect template (*.OL-template), data mapping configuration (*.OL-datamapper)
or 'typed' JSON file (*.json; see the note below).
The file's data model structure will be displayed in the Data Model pane without data.
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