
Table Of Contents
l is equal to: The two specified values are identical for the condition to be True.
l contains: The first specified value contains the second one for the condition to be
l is less than: The first specified value is smaller, numerically, than the second value
for the condition to be True.
l is greater than: The first specified value is larger, numerically, than the second
value for the condition to be True.
l is empty: The first specified value is empty. With this operator, there is no second
l is true: The first specified value is true. With this operator, there is no second value.
Note that the condition evaluates the left operand following JavaScript boolean
rules: if the value is 0, -0, null, false, NaN, undefined, or the empty string (""), it is
evaluated to false. All other values, including any object, an empty array ([]), or the
string "false", evaluate to true. (See Boolean in the Mozilla documentation.)
Invert condition: Inverts the result of the condition. For instance, is empty becomes is
not empty.
Multiple Conditions step properties
The Multiple Conditions step contains a number of Case conditions (one to start with) and a
Default, to be executed when none of the other cases apply. Cases are executed from left to
right. For more information see "Steps" on page279.
The properties described below become visible in the Step properties pane when the Multiple
Conditions step is selected in the Steps pane.
This subsection is collapsed by default in the interface, to give more screen space to other
important parts.
Name: The name of the step. This name will be displayed on top of the step's icon in the Steps
Comments: The text entered here will be displayed in the tooltip that appears when hovering
over the step in the Steps pane.
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