
Table Of Contents
l Left: The starting column, inclusively.
l Right: The end column, inclusively.
l Use selection: Click while a selection is made in the Data Viewer to
automatically set the left and right values to the left and right edges of the
l Expression: Enter the text or Regex expression to look for on the page.
l Use selection: Click while a selection is made in the Data Viewer to copy the
contents of the first line of the selection into the Expression box.
l Use regular expression: Check so that the Expression box is treated as a
regular expression instead of static text. For more information on using
Regular Expressions (regex), see the Regular-Expressions.info Tutorial.
CSV file
l From (CSV files): Defines where the jump begins:
l Current Position: The Goto begins at the current cursor position.
l Move by: Enter the number of lines or pages to jump.
l Top of record: The Goto begins at line 1 of the source record.
l Move to: Enter the number of lines or pages to jump.
XML file
l Destination (XML files): Defines what type of jump to make:
l Sibling element: Jumps the number of siblings (nodes at the same level) defined in
the Move by option.
l Sibling element with same name: Jumps the number of same name siblings
(nodes at the same level of which the node is the same name) defined in the Move
by option.
l Element, from top of record: Jumps to the specified node. The XPATH in the
Absolute XPATH option starts from the root node defined by /.
l Element from current position: Jumps to a position relative to the current position
of the cursor. The XPATH in the Relative XPATH option defines where to go, ../
goes up a level, ./ refers to the current level.
l Level Up/Down: Jumps up or down one node level (up to the parent, down to a
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