
Table Of Contents
l More options
l Get Printer Configurations (PDC): Lists printer definition files available for
download. The selected files will be downloaded to the current user's
Connect\workspace\configurations\ folder and can be imported via the Print Wizard;
see "Adding print output Models to the Print Wizard" on page1544.
l Get Finishing Configurations (HCF): Lists HCF Files available for download. High
Capacity Feeders (HCF) are also commonly referred to as Inserters or Folder-
Inserters. The Inserter options in the print settings are dependent upon the HCF
model selected; see "Inserter options" on page1325.
l Take A Tour: Click to open the YouTube Playlist giving you a tour of the software.
l Create/Open:
l Open File: Lets you open an existing template or data mapping configuration.
l New template: Lets you choose a Context to create a new template without a
l Template Wizards: Displays a list of available Template Wizards, producing pre-
made templates with existing demo content; see "Creating a template" on page477.
l Sample Projects: Displays a list of available Sample Projects, producing a
complete Connect project; see "Sample Projects" on page1060.
l New DataMapper Configuration: Lets you build a data mapping configuration from
a file or with a wizard; see "Data mapping configurations" on page222.
DataMapper Scripts API
This page describes the different features available in scripts created inside DataMapper. See
"Using scripts in the DataMapper" on page411.
Name Description Available in
scripts of type
"Objects" on
A ScriptableAutomation object
encapsulating the properties of the
PlanetPress Workflow process that
triggered the current operation.
Boundaries, all
steps except
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