
Table Of Contents
Number that represents a column in a CSV or XLS(X) file (1-based).
The following script accesses all columns in a CSV file:
var allFields=[];
var i=1;
while (data.fieldExistsByIndex(i)) {
See also: "extractByIndex(index, rowOffset)" on page436.
Method of the data object that finds the first occurrence of a string starting from the current
find(stringToFind, leftConstraint, rightConstraint)
Finds the first occurrence of a string starting from the current position. The search can be
constrained to a series of characters (in a text file) or to a vertical strip (in a PDF file) located
between the given constraints.
The method returns null if the string cannot be found. Otherwise it returns a RectValueText (if
the data source is a text file) or RectValuePDF (if the data source is a PDF file) object. This
object contains the absolute Left, Top, Right and Bottom coordinates of the smallest possible
rectangle that completely encloses the first occurrence of the string. The coordinates are
expressed in a number of characters if the data source is a text file, or in millimetres if the data
source is a PDF file.
Partial matches are not allowed. The entire string must be found between the two constraint
The data.find() function only works on the current page. If the record contains several pages,
you must create a loop that will perform a jump from one page to another to do a find() on
each page.
Page 439