
Table Of Contents
Use the eye icon to toggle between displaying or masking the password entry.
The password is not validated for password strength, so any entry is acceptable.
Configuring External Database Connection
The Database Connection page appears if the supplied MariaDB module was not selected for
installation. This page is for setting up the connection to an existing External database.
l System: Select the database type to use for thePlanetPress Connect Engine. Currently
only MariaDB, MySQL and Microsoft SQLServer are supported.
l Host: Enter the IP Address or alias of the server where database resides.
l Database Instance Name: Enter an existing Microsoft SQLServer's instance name.
This option only applies to existing Microsoft SQLServer instances, and not for MariaDB
or MySQL.
l Port: Enter the port on which the database server expects connections.
For MariaDB and MySQL, this is 3306 by default.
For Microsoft SQL Server it is 1433 by default.
l Schema: Enter the name of the database into which the tables will be created.
The standard Connect schema name is "olconnect" by default.
l Username: Enter the user account of a user with database administrative rights.
Administrative rights are required since tables will need to be created/modified/dropped in
the database.
If accessing a database on a different machine, the server must also be able to accept
non-local TCP connections, and the user account must also be configured to accept
remote connection. For example, the "root" MySQL user entered as root@localhost is not
allowed to connect from any other machine than the one where MySQL is installed.
l Password: Enter the password for the above user account. For MySQLthe appropriate
password must be entered or the Connect installation will fail.
l EncryptConnection checkbox: Check to enable encrypted connections to the external
The secure connection to MySQL is for the "olconnect" schema.
It is not in the scope of the Connect installer to configure the MySQL database
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