
Table Of Contents
l 0 or steps.MOVENODE: the current position is set to the first available next element
element in the JSON. The next element is looked for in the following order: first child, next
sibling, parent's sibling.
l 1 or steps.MOVESIBLING: the current position is set to the next element in the same
parent, i.e. the next element in an array or the next key-value pair in an object.
moveToNext(left, right)
Moves the current position in a PDF file to the next line that contains any text, the search for text
being contained within the left and right parameters, expressed in millimeters.
Double that represents the left edge (in millimeters) of the text to find.
Double that represents the right edge (in millimeters) of the text to find.
Moves the current position in a CSV file to the next row, relative to the current position.
The table object holds a detail table that exists in a record.
The detail table is retrieved by name, using record.tables.<table>. For example:
Property Description
length Returns the count of rows in the detail table.
Method Description
"addRow(record)" on the next page Adds a row to the detail table.
"set(record)" on page462
Sets field values in an existing detail table row.
Page 460