
Table Of Contents
l product.MariaDB
l product.Messenger
l path: String (Default: %PROGRAMFILES%\Objectif Lune\OL Connect)
Sets the installation root folder for the PlanetPress Connect applications.
l RegisterService.connectServer: Boolean (Default: true)
Register the Server services or not (such as in the case of a container).
l server.username: String (Default: the current user/domain installing the service)
Determines the domain and username to be used when configuring the Server service.
The username can use the following syntax formats:
l username
l domain\username
(Note:ξ˜ƒthe backslash between the domain and user names needs to be escaped by
another backslash. For example:ξ˜ƒserver.username = ourcompany\\pbrown01)
l username@domain
l server.password: String (Default: there is no default for this setting)
Password to use when registering the Server service.
l database.configure: Boolean (Default: true)
If set to "false", then the database configuration is skipped.
If database configuration is skipped (database.configure = false), then none of
the database.xxx properties below are required, and these properties will be
ignored, even in they are included in the INIξ˜ƒfile.
l database.system: String, Optional (Default: there is no default for this setting)
Entry needs to be from one of the following options:ξ˜ƒmariadb, mysql, mssqlserver
If product.MariaDB = true has been set:
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