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When referring to images or fonts from a CSS file, you need to remember that the current
path is css/, meaning you can't just call images/image.jpg. Use a relative path, for
example: #header {ī˜ƒbackground-image: url('../images/image.jpg'); }
External resources
External resources are not stored in the template, but on the local hard drive or on a network
drive. They are accessed using a path. The path must have forward slashes, for example <img
src="file:///c:/resources/images/signatures/johnsmith.gif"> or var json_variables = loadjson
("file:///d:/jsondata/variables.json");. The complete syntax is:ī˜ƒfile://<host>/<path>. If the host
isī˜ƒ"localhost", it can be omitted, as it is in the example, resulting inī˜ƒfile:///<path>. The empty
string is interpreted as `the machine from which the URL is being interpreted'.
Network paths are similar: results.loadhtml("file://servername/sharename/folder/snippet.html");
(note that in this case file is followed by 2 slashes only).
Some limitations
l Style sheets cannot refer to external resources.
l The Connect Server user needs access to whichever network path is used. If the network
path is on a domain, the Connect Server must be identified with domain credentials that
have access to the domain resources.
For more information on network paths, please see this Wikipedia entry: file URI scheme.
Web resources
Web resources are simply accessed using a full URL. This URL needs to be publicly
accessible: if you type in that URL in a browser on the server, it needs to be visible.
Authentication is possible only through URL Parameters
(http://www.example.com/data.json?user=username&password=password) or through HTTP
Basic Auth (http://username:password@www.example.com/data.json).
Resources can also be called from a PlanetPress Workflow instance:
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