
Table Of Contents
l A Print context with one section in it; see "Print context" on page513 and "Print sections"
on page518. The selected PDF is used as the background of the Print section; see
"Using a PDF file or other image as background" on page523. For each page in the PDF
one page is created in the Print section.
l One empty Master Page. Master Pages are used for headers, footers, images and other
elements that have to appear on more than one page, and for special elements like tear-
offs. See "Master Pages" on page537.
l One empty Media. Media, also called Virtual Stationery, can be applied to all pages in the
Print section. See "Media" on page540.
Word-based Print template
The Word-based Print template wizard creates a document from an existing Microsoft Word file:
a brochure, voucher, letter, mail merge document, etc. The images, lists, tables, and other
content within the document are imported into Designer and used for a new template.
After clicking Next, you can change the settings for the page. The initial page size, margins,
and orientation are taken from the original document settings, and you can adjust them on the
dialog. You can also select the number of sections and a minimum number of pages. After the
template is created, you can change the size of images and text boxes, and adjust the page
size and margins.
When you click Finish, the Wizard creates:
l A Print context with the specified number of sections in it; see "Print context" on page513
and "Print sections" on page518. For each page in the document one page is created in
the Print section.
l Image files for each image in the original file. As with other templates, you can place
images on the master page if you want them to appear in every document in the same
l A separate word.css file in the Stylesheets. The css file is linked to the active section.
l A folder to contain the imported image files.
If the Word document contains mail merge fields, these mail merge fields (or markers) are
converted into data fields.
l The brackets from the Word mail merge fields are converted to the @ character.
l The variable is wrapped with a span element.
Page 511