
Table Of Contents
remove = true
keepdata = false
Exit Codes
l 0 = Installation completed successfully / no specific error code was returned.
Pre-Installation Check (200s)
l 201: Operating system is not 64-bit
l 202: Windows Operating System is too old (pre-Windows 7)
l 203: Minimal UAC prerequisites were not met
l 204: Installation user did not have administrator rights
Silent installation properties (300s)
l 301: MariaDB product was selected, but no root password was supplied
l 302: MariaDB product was selected, but no user password was supplied
l 303: User provided database is to be used, but database.system property was missing
l 304: User provided database is to be used, but database.system property had invalid
l 305: User provided database is to be used, but database.host property was missing.
l 306: database.instance property was used with a database system other than MS SQL
l 307: User provided database is to be used, but database.username property was missing.
l 308: User provided database is to be used, but database.password property was missing.
l 309: Connect server / server extension product was selected, but
server.connection.password property was missing
l 310: Connect server extension product was selected, but server.connection.host
property was missing
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