
Table Of Contents
3. In the Breaks group, set the before or after property.
l Before: Sets whether a page break should occur before the element. This is
equivalent to the page-break-before property in CSS; see CSS page-break-before
property for an explanation of the available options.
l After: Sets whether a page break should occur after the element. Equivalent to the
page-break-after property in CSS; see CSS page-break-after property for an
explanation of the available options.
Click the button Advanced to add CSS properties and values to the inline style tag directly.
Alternatively you could set this property on the Source tab in the HTML (for example: <h1
style="page-break-before: always;">), or add a rule to the style sheet; see "Styling your
templates with CSS files" on page791.
You cannot use these properties on an empty <div> or on absolute-positioned elements.
Preventing a page break
To prevent a page break inside a certain element, set the page-break-inside property of that
element to avoid:
l Select the element (see "Selecting an element" on page669).
l On the Format menu, select the respective element to open the Formatting dialog.
l In the Breaks group, set the inside property to avoid, to prevent a page break inside the
element. For an explanation of all available options of the page-break-inside property in
CSS, see CSS page-break-inside property.
Alternatively you could set this property on the Source tab in the HTML (for example: <ul
style="page-break-inside: avoid;">), or add a rule to the style sheet; see "Styling your
templates with CSS files" on page791.
Adding blank pages to a section
How to add a blank page to a section is described in a how-to: Create blank page on field
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