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Email SMTP settings
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the standard protocol for sending emails across the
Default SMTP settings can be specified in the Preferences dialog: select Window >
Preferences, expand the Email preferences and click SMTP.
You can add as many presets as needed, for example for different Email Service Providers
(see "Using an ESP with PlanetPress Connect" on page1565). To do this, click the Add button
at the right. Then fill out the following settings:
l Name: The name of the preset. This will show up in the Send Email dialog.
l Host: The SMTP server through which the emails are to be sent. This can be a host
(mail.domain.com) or an IP address.
Gmail only allows Connect to be used as an SMTP client when "Access for less
secure apps" is enabled in the Google account settings.
l Port: You can specify a port number. This will be added to the host name, for example:
If the mail server supports it, the connection will be encrypted without the need to
send the server a STARTTLS instruction when port 465 is used.
l Use authentication: Check this option and fill in the user name if a user name and
password are needed to send emails through the host. (The password has to be specified
in the Send Email or Send Test Email dialog.)
l Send STARTTLS: This option is enabled if authentication is checked. With STARTTLS
the client negotiates with the mail server to use some form of encryption, usually a version
of Transport Layer Security (TLS). Since this improves security it is recommend to enable
this option if you use port 25 (the default port), 2525, or 587.
Note that the email will not be sent if the SMTP server does not support TLS or SSL (an
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