
Table Of Contents
1. On the Resources pane, expand the Web context and double-click a Web page to open
2. To use the Form Wizard, select the Insert > Form Wizard menu option. The Form Wizard
adds a Form to the Web page including the specified fields.
Alternatively, you can select Insert > Form on the menu to open a dialog that lets you set
the Form's properties, validation method and location, but doesn't allow you to specify
fields. If you choose this method, skip step 8 and 9 of this procedure and add fields after
inserting the Form (see "Adding elements to a Form" on page591).
3. Add an ID and/or a class. ID's and classes are particularly useful with regard to variable
data (see "Personalizing content" on page830) and styling (see "Styling templates with
CSS files" on page786).
4. In the Action field, enter the URL where the form data should be sent. The URL should
be a server-side script that can accept form data. The action of a Capture OnTheGo form
should specify the Workflow HTTP Server Input task that receives and handles the
submitted data. The action will look like this: (8080 is
Workflow's default port number; 'action' should be replaced by the HTTP action of that
particular HTTP Server Input task).The method of a Capture OnTheGo form should be
POST to ensure that it doesn't hit a data limit when submitting the form. The GET method
adds the data to the URL, and the length of a URL is limited to 2048 characters.
Especially forms containing one or more Camera inputs may produce a voluminous data
stream that doesn't fit in the URL. GET also leaves data trails in log files, which raises
privacy concerns. Therefore POST is the preferred method to use.
5. Using the the Method drop-down, select whether the form should be sent using the GET
or POST method.
6. Using the next drop-down, select the form's Encryption Type (enctype):
l application/x-www-form-urlencoded: Default. All characters are encoded before
they are sent. Spaces are converted to "+" symbols, and special characters are
converted to ASCII HEX values.
l multipart/form-data: No characters are encoded. This value is required when you
are using forms that have a file upload control.
l text/plain: Spaces are converted to "+" symbols, but no special characters are
7. Select a validation method:
l The Browser validation method leaves it up to the browser to validate the user
input. When adding fields to the Form (see the next step) you can only make fields
required and set the maximum length as an additional requirement for some fields.
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