
Table Of Contents
used in any process within it.
How to send the template and the corresponding data mapping configuration to the Workflow
tool is explained in another topic: "Sending files to Workflow" on page482.
Next, you can start building a Workflow configuration that receives and handles the submitted
data. The configuration should start with a HTTP Server Input task (see Workflow Help: HTTP
Server Input) of which the HTTP action is the one specified in the COTG Form's action.
Receiving and extracting data from a COTG Form
When a user submits a Capture OnTheGo Form, the submitted data are sent to the address
specified in the action of the form (see "Specifying an action" on page603). They will be
received by the process that starts with the matching Server Input task (see Workflow Help:
HTTP Server Input).
The data is passed on as XML.
The next task in the process typically is an Execute Data Mapping task. This task can extract
the data using a data mapping configuration that must be tailor-made for this XML. In order to
create this data mapping configuration you will need an XML file with the exact same structure.
The easiest way to get this is to test the template and use the "Get Job Data File on Submit"
option; for instructions see "Submitting and previewing data" on page634.
Have a look at the Sample Project: "Sample Project: COTG Timesheets" on page150.
This wizard creates all parts of a sample COTG project, including the Workflow and data
mapping configuration.
Using COTG data in a template
When a user submits a COTG Form, a Workflow configuration may store the information in a
database and/or push it into other Workflow processes, for example to send a letter or an email
receipt. To be able to use the submitted data in a template for that letter or email receipt, follow
these steps:
1. Get sample data
Before you can create a template that uses COTG data that is submitted from a certain
COTG Form, you have to get access to a sample of that data. There are two ways to do
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