
Table Of Contents
l Using the option Get Job Data File on Submit in Connect Designer; see "Testing a
Capture OnTheGo Template" on page632. This way you don't have to create a
Workflow configuration first. Once the Job Data File is received by the Connect
server, a dialog appears asking where to store it.
l Using a Workflow configuration. When a user submits a Capture OnTheGo Form,
the data are received by a Workflow HTTP Server Input task (see Workflow Help:
HTTP Server Input) that receives and handles the submitted data. Even when no
other tasks are present in that Workflow configuration, Workflow can output an XML
file that contains the submitted data, in a location specified for the Send To Folder
plugin in Workflow.
When a COTG Form is submitted, by clicking or touching the Submit button, the
name and value of form elements are submitted. If a Checkbox or Radio Button is
not checked, its name and value are not sent when the form is submitted.
Fortunately, there is a workaround for this; see "Using COTG Elements" on
The Form's validation should ensure that the data that the user submits is valid (see
"Changing a Form's validation method" on page754 and "How to make COTG
elements required" on page629).
2. Create a data mapping configuration
Use the resulting XML file to create a data mapping configuration (see "Data mapping
configurations" on page222).
1. Choose File > New > Data mapping Wizards > From XML file.
2. Select the XML data file as its source and click Next.
3. Set the XML Elements option to /request/values. This will automatically add an
extraction step for the submitted form fields.
4. Click Finish. The file is opened in the DataMapper and the form fields are
automatically extracted including the data for the signature and camera object.
5. Save the data mapping configuration.
3. Create a template
Create a Designer template and personalize it using the data mapping configuration (see
Page 607