
Table Of Contents
Provide touch areas that are large enough. COTG forms are used on a mobile device (in the
COTG app). Make sure that the user can easily tap the form elements, hyperlinks and buttons.
The index finger of most adults covers an area that is between 45 and 55 pixels wide. There
should be enough white space between the form inputs so the user won't accidentally put focus
on the wrong element.
Visually group related information. Use headers to mark a section. This makes it easier to
navigate the form. Applying a large font size and background color will make them standout.
You can use Foundation's off-canvas menu and accordeon (collapse) functionality to make it
easier to navigate groups of input fields.
Provide feedback. Show what input data is expected, clearly identify which fields are required
and show errors when the entered data doesn’t meet the required format.
Capture OnTheGo form characteristics
Reusable forms
Capture OnTheGo forms can be single-use or reusable. This doesn't depend on the design
(although, of course, this should be reflected in the design). What makes a form reusable is a
setting in the Output to Capture OnTheGo plugin in Workflow; see Output to CaptureOnTheGo.
In the Capture OnTheGo app a reusable form is called a 'template'.
Forms for offline use
Capture OnTheGo forms can be used offline. This is the case even when the form relies on
remotely stored source files like JavaScript files and style sheets, provided that the option Use
cached Capture OnTheGo resource is checked when adding them to the form.
Capture OnTheGo template wizards
With the Designer you can create Capture OnTheGo (COTG) templates. COTG templates are
used to generate forms for the Capture OnTheGo mobile application. For more information
about this application, see the website: Capture OnTheGo.
A Capture OnTheGo Form is actually just a Web Form, that you could add without a wizard, but
the COTG Template Wizards include the appropriate JavaScript files for the Capture OnTheGo
app, and styles to create user-friendly, responsive forms. They are built upon the Foundation
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