
Table Of Contents
The Grid
Use the Grid to ensure the responsiveness of a form. Using the Grid essentially means building
a form or web page with Div elements (a Div is a container element, see "Div" on page733)
that have the following classes:
l row: This class identifies a Div as a horizontal block (a row) that can contain up to 12
l columns: This class should be used for a Div inside a Div with the class row. It identifies
a Div as part of a row Div.
l small-n, medium-n, large-n: These classes indicate the number of columns that this Div
occupies within in the row, on a small, medium or large screen, respectively. Replace n
with a number, for example: small-2, large-4. If the numbers declared in one 'row' for one
screen size, added together, exceed the maximum of 12, they don't fit in one row on that
screen size. In that case the Div elements will appear below each other instead of next to
each other.
These classes can be combined, so that depending on the screen size, a Div can take
more or less space in a row. Separate the class names with a space.
Start with the class for small screens. For example: <div class="small-3 large-6"
columns>. Larger devices will inherit those styles (thanks to the mobile-first approach of
Foundation's style sheet). Customize for larger screens as necessary.
This very simple layout has only one row:
<div class="row">
<div class="small-2 large-4 columns">Content goes
<div class="small-4 large-4 columns">Content goes
<div class="small-6 large-4 columns">Content goes
Page 618