
Table Of Contents
Get submitted data via email
Getting submitted data via email requires the Form's action to be set to a test URL that contains
an API Key. You can obtain an API Key as follows.
1. Go to http://learn.objectiflune.com/.
2. Create an account, or log in to your account.
3. Go to your Profile Page, and click the API Key link.
Now, when creating or editing a COTG Form, you can use the API Key in the Form's action:
1. Select the Form (see "Selecting an element" on page669).
2. On the Attributes pane, paste the following URL in the action field:
3. Replace {{APIKEY}} by your API Key.
When you submit the form in the COTG app (see "Previewing a COTG Template in the app" on
page633), the debug service will compose an HTML email that contains the form element
names and the submitted values. Image files, like pictures and signatures, are added to the
email as attachments. The email will be sent to the email address that you provided via your
Learn profile.
For a more detailed description of this test procedure, see this how-to: Testing a COTG
Get submitted data via Workflow
Eventually, when a user submits a Capture OnTheGo Form, the data are received by the
Workflow HTTP Server Input task (see Workflow Help: HTTP Server Input) that has the same
HTTP action as the one specified in the Form's action (see "COTG Forms" on page602). The
Workflow configuration should then handle the submitted data. But even if it doesn't, when no
other tasks are present in that Workflow configuration, Workflow can output an XML file that
contains the submitted data and save it in a location specified for the Send To Folder plugin in
This XML file contains the actual data submitted by all Form elements, including COTG
elements, such as a signature or barcode.
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