
Table Of Contents
l SVG: Vector format. This is usually of higher quality, but may take longer to generate and
is not compatible with Email output.
l PNG: Binary rasterized format. This has a slightly lower quality than SVG but is usually
generated faster and will display properly in Email output.
PDF417 is one of the types of barcodes that can be added to a template; see "Barcode" on
The barcode can be added either using the Barcode toolbar button or through selecting Insert
> Barcode on the menu; see "Adding a Barcode" on page671.
Initially the barcode will have the barcode type's default properties. To change those properties,
such as the scale and color, open the Barcode properties dialog: right-click the barcode (on the
Design tab in the Workspace) and select the Barcode... option in the context menu.
Barcode properties
This topic lists the properties of the barcode type PDF417. For the properties of other barcode
types, see "Barcode type and properties" on page673.
Use the drop-down to set the compaction mode:
l Binary: allows any byte value to be encoded
l Text: allows all printable ASCII characters to be encoded (values from 32 to 126 and
some additional control characters)
l Numeric: a more efficient mode for encoding numeric data
Error Correction Level
Use the drop-down to select the built-in error correction method based on Reed-Solomon
algorithms. The error correction level is adjustable between level 0 (just error detection) and
level 8 (maximum error correction). Recommended error correction levels are between level 2
and 5, but the optimal value depends on the amount of data, printing quality of the PDF417
symbol and decoding capabilities of the scanner.
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