
Table Of Contents
Text area
The Text area element is a text field accepting multiple paragraphs. You can set a number of
rows when adding the Text Area to the Form, and change it on the Attributes pane.
Hidden field
A hidden field can contain specific data used by the server-side script. It is not visible to the
user. When adding a Hidden Field you can set the value that will be sent on submit.
A Label element is a text displaying informative text within the form. Labels are non-interactive.
Note that this type of label is not tied to an input element. At the same time you add an input
element, you can add a label to that element; see "Adding elements to a Form" on page591.
To change a label after inserting the Form, simply click it and start typing.
A Checkbox element sends information to the server whether it is checked (true) or not (false).
When adding a Checkbox you can set its initial state and its value. The contents of the value
property do not appear in the user interface. If a Checkbox is in checked state when the form is
submitted, the name of the checkbox is sent along with its value.
If a Checkbox is not checked, no information is sent when the form is submitted. Fortunately,
there is a workaround to submit the status of an unchecked checkbox; see "Using Form
elements" on page591.
Radio Button Group
A Radio Button Group is not an input element itself. Rather it is a group of Radio Buttons that
have the same submit name, indicating that they belong to the same group. Multiple Radio
Buttons in the same group only accept one option to be selected. Only the value of the selected
Radio Button will be sent to the server on submitting the form. If more options are to be allowed
at the same time you should use Checkboxes instead.
The option to add a Radio Button Group is only available in the Form Wizard; see "Forms" on
page751. For an explanation of the options in the Radio Button Group dialog, see "Adding
elements to a Form" on page591.
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