
Table Of Contents
In the example above, ${lang} is used to refer lang variable defined in variables below. If your
primary language is, for example, Russian, you can simply override lang variable with ru value
and keep the original snippets. Also, you can override variable values with inline abbreviation
attributes: html:5[lang=ru].
l Name: The name of the variable. This should be a single alphanumeric string with no
spaces or special characters. For example, the myVar name is referred to as ${myVar}.
l Value: The value of the variable when the snippet is expanded.
l New: Click to create a new variable and define its name and value.
l Edit: Click to modify the currently selected Variable.
l Remove: Click to delete the currently selected Variable.
The Emmet preferences also provides you with buttons to :
l Reload Engine. This allows you to reload the Emmet engine based upon the current
l Restore Defaults. This option restores the preferences to Defaults. This applies to the
current Preferences page only, but not other Preferences.
l Apply: This option applies the settings made within the current Preferences page, but
does not close the Preferences dialog.
Engines preferences
See Engines Preferences.
Hardware for Digital Signing preferences
Connect can access secure hardware devices (USB Tokens, Smart Cards, and Hardware
Security Modules) through PKCS#11, for use in creating PDFdigital signatures.
This Preferences page allows for the configuration of these secure hardware devices. It caters
for the two conflicting needs of Connect users.
1. Connect user wanting to create digital signatures using a secure device have to configure
the DLL for using the secure device, so Connect can find the DLL when a digital signature
is necessary.
2. The Connect administrator wanting the configuration of DLLs loaded by Connect Server,
Designer, and their engines to happen outside of Presets, Templates, or other resources.
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