
Table Of Contents
l Enable: activate the Auto Backup function.
l Revisions to keep: Enter the maximum number of backup files. When the maximum is
reached, Auto Backup will overwrite the oldest file.
l Destination: Select the directory in which the backups should be stored.
l Original: the directory in which the original file is stored.
l Other directory: use the Browse button to select another directory.
Backup files have the same name as the original file with two underscores and a progressive
number (without leading zeros) at the end: originalname__1.OL-template, originalname__
2.OL-template, etc.
The Save preferences also provides you with buttons to :
l Restore Defaults. This option restores the preferences to Defaults. This applies to the
current Preferences page only, but not other Preferences.
l Apply: This option applies the settings made within the current Preferences page, but
does not close the Preferences dialog.
Scripting preferences
The Scripting preferences define different options related to scripting within PlanetPress
Connect. See also: "Testing scripts" on page928.
l General:
l Script timeout at design time (sec): In Preview mode or when running the Script
Profiler (see the Profile Scripts dialog), a long running script is stopped after the
amount of time set here. The default is 2 seconds, the minimum is 1 second.
l Expanded script quotes style: When the Expand button in a Script Wizard is
clicked, the expanded script will use either double (") or single (') quotation marks.
Using single quotation marks in a script simplifies adding HTML fragments,
which typically use double quotes.
l Designer scripting profiling group:
Page 913