
Table Of Contents
You can define the number of times you want PlanetPress Fax to attempt to send the fax. If PlanetPress Fax is
unable to transmit a fax successfully, it can print or email the fax, enabling you to track any faxes that do not
successfully transmit. PlanetPress Fax also maintains a log of its operations that you can consult for
information about its fax activity.
PlanetPress Image
PlanetPress Image adds PDF capabilities to PlanetPress Watch/Server. You use PlanetPress Image to create a
PDF copy of a document to email, or to create PDF archives of documents that you, or others in your
company, can then search using PlanetPress Search.
PlanetPress Search
PlanetPress Search is a plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat® or Adobe® Reader® that you can use to search the PDF
archives you create in PlanetPress Image. You define the search indices for a document when you create it in
PlanetPress Design.
PlanetPress Talk
PlanetPress Talk is not a product as such, this is why you do not find it listed as one of the components of the
PlanetPress Suite. In fact, PlanetPress Talk is a language developed for the PlanetPress Suite components,
which you can use to customize PlanetPress Design documents as well as PlanetPress Watch/Server
For detailed explanations on the PlanetPress Talk language as well as on all its commands, refer to the
PlanetPress Talk Reference Guide.
2.1.2 Document
What is meant by the term document?
A document is essentially anything such as an invoice, financial statement, monthly report, brochure, booklet,
cheque, form letter, catalogue, price list, graybar report, survey, shipping label, cheque, insurance policy, tax
return, bank statement, receipt, notice, price list, and direct mail material.
Related topics:
Variable Content Document (Page 5)
2.1.3 Date and Time Format
What format should I use to enter dates and times?
To simplify things and to prevent errors, date and time formats have been standardized.
Date are entered and displayed as yyyy/MM/dd (2007/06/13, for example).
Times are entered and displayed using the 24 hour format as HH:mm:ss (3:38:54 PM, for example, is
entered and displayed as 15:38:54).
2.1.4 Variable Content Document
What is a variable content document and how does PlanetPress Design implement variable content
Understanding the PlanetPress Suite - Key Concepts
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 5